HYCU Backups with Prism Central Categories

In this blog post I will demonstrate how-to setup HYCU to use categories configured in Prism Central. VM’s attached to the category will automatically being back upped according to the HYCU policy. Please make sure a default HYCU policy is not configured as this will already attach a HYCU policy…

Get Snapshot sizes in Prism Central

Ever wondering which virtual machines are using snapshots and how much space they are taking? Of course you use my superduper powershell script to clean them up: link 😉 But in Prism Central we can easily create an overview with the latest status on the snapshots. Login to Prism Central…

Nutanix X-Small Prism Central

Nutanix has released AOS 6.8 (Link) and Prism Central 2024.1(Link). With this new release there is a new option to deploy a “X-Small” Prism Central instance. This small deployment is for the following environments: As you can see in the screenshot the resources required are way less the small deployment,…

Replace Nutanix SSL certificate with Let’s Encrypt certificate

Here’s a powershell script to generate a Let’s Encrypt certificate and upload that certificate to your Nutanix cluster and/or Prism Central. I want my clusters to be available via: The tielenconsultancy.nl domain is avaiable on the internet and internal. The clusters aren’t available via the internet offcourse 😉 So this…

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