Within SCCM there is a functionality to remote control desktops. Because all the desktops and laptops have a SCCM client installed, it’s the logical way to use this feature. So no extra third party software must be installed/deployed.
On the site server the are two files named: rc.exe and rdpencom.dll Copy these two file to the servicedesk desktops so they can access them. (for Windows 2000 clients use remote.exe)
Open the SCCM Management Console and navigate to: Client Agents. Right click on: Remote Tools Client Agent select: Properties.
Add the Servicedesk User Group in the security tab.
And your done. When the rc.exe is started. Click: File –> Connect. Give the computer name to remote control, wait for acceptance and happy shadowing.
Q: Howto arrange remote control for the servidesk with the SCCM tools?
A: Copy rc.exe and rdpencom.dll from Site server to servicedesk, give servicedesk group rights to permit remote control.