Looks like Microsoft Edge has blocked/removed this workaround. It is still working in Google Chrome.
I getting emails, calls, teams, slack etc etc etc about that they cant access Prism anymore. I even had an email from someone to their internal management saying Nutanix is bad because it is broken. (any excuse to dish Nutanix so they can use VMware in the future is taken here ;))
What they are doing is access the Prism (Element and/or Central) via an IP-Address or some hostname. Anyways, they are accessing Prism not via the FQDN which is in the certificate.
With the latest updates in Chromium based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc) there is no more “Proceed to…” link. (This because Nutanix adds the HSTS header in Prism. The HSTS header is a security feature to make sure the certificate matches the page.)

So their conclusion is, Nutanix is bad and broken. Lets reboot Prism Central, that will work…. (no joke).
As we know this has to do with the latest updated in chromium based browsers. To get to your Prism gui login screen just type (when the browser is the active window) “thisisunsafe” and you will be presented with the login screen again.
Now to fix this permanent, install a trusted certificate on you cluster and access it via the FQDN matching the common name in the certificate.
And if you want to automate this on your test/lab environment here is a nice powershell script to use 😉 https://www.jeroentielen.nl/replace-nutanix-ssl-certificate-with-lets-encrypt-certificate/
So, now that this is out of my head, I can continue working on the cool stuff again……
Hi Jeroen
encountered this today installing a new PC and only access with Edge, no chrome allowed, so no thisisunsafe rescue 🙂 )
I could solve it using ssh session to pcvm and use the following command : ncl ssl-certificate ssl-certificate-generate