In this blogpost I’m explaining how to deploy and configure eG Innovations to monitor a Nutanix environment.
First make sure you are registered for the trial via: (click register and follow the steps). When you are registered and logged into the portal you need to download the “Remote Agent for Agentless Monitoring”. I’m going to create a Linux VM where I’m installing the “Remote Agent for Agentless Monitoring” on. You can also use a Windows machine for this. Download the agent via the icon showed in the screenshot below:
Click on “agentless monitoring”
Select the correct operating system and download the agent:
The Linux VM is just a Ubuntu Server installation with only ssh enabled so I can remotely access it. Save the downloaded agent to the linux vm (I used winSCP for this).
Run the following commands to install the agent in Linux:
- chmod 750 eGAgent_Linux_x64.tar.gz
- gunzip eGAgent_Linux_x64.tar.gz
- tar -xvf eGAgent_Linux_x64.tar
- chmod 750 ./
Now run the file as root: sudo ./
Now the agent installation is done and we are ready to configure eG. Head back the the webportal and click on: Admin –> Infrastructure –> Overview.
Now click on “Discover/Monitor” and then on Hypervisors.
Select the installed agent (in my case the agent is names eginnovations):
And select “Nutanix Infrastructure”
Fill in the required information. In my case I’m going to connect to Prism Central but is also possible to connect to Prism Element. Make sure you use a dedicated service account for this and not the admin account as shown in my screenshot 😉 I’m just running a lab environment. When done filling in, click on Update.
When the Nutanix Infrastructure is added you need to wait approximately 10 minutes until the infrastructure is added and discovered.
Now head back to the download page and download the light-weight agents. We need this agents for “Inside view monitoring”.
When downloaded, install the agents the same way as the previous agent is installed in the Linux VM, this will give us more inside information form the Linux VM. You can deploy Windows and Linux agents on existing vm’s to get more inside information for those vm’s.
Now the eG environment is configured to monitor the Nutanix infrastructure as well.