How-to hide the Live Messenger icon in the Taskbar

When running the new Live Messenger on a Windows 7 workstation, you notice that the client is always visible in the taskbar. In the old days Knipogende emoticon when minimize the clientscreen it disappeared from the taskbar, only the icon in the tray was shown. I prefer a clean desktop with minimum icons.  So how to minimize to the tray only.

First step is to close the already running Live Messenger.

Navigate to the installation folder of Windows Live. image
Open the properties of: msnmsgr.exe image
Go to the tab: Compatibility

Select: Run the program in compatibility mode for:

Select: Windows Vista

Click on: OK

Open Live Messenger and, after logging in, close it. The messenger is still active but only in the tray. image

Q: How to minimize Live Messenger to the tray?

A: Run msnmsgr.exe in Windows Vista compatibility mode.

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