Configure StoreFront to default show the "Categories" tab

Note: Tested and designed for StoreFront When installing StoreFront and configure a Receiver for Web (RfW) website you can choose for a default page to show. The options are: Auto, Applications and Desktops. If you select ‘Applciations’ the default view will always be the Applications page. Now add the following…

Nederlandse Vertaling Citrix StoreFront 2.0 / 2.1

XenDesktop 7 is al geruime tijd uit. En daarmee ook Storefront 2.0. Hierbij de Nederlandse vertaling hiervoor. Installatie handleiding is toegoevoegd in de zip file. Op en/of aanmerkingen kunnen via de email of als reactie op deze post. Edit: Hij werkt ook perfect op StoreFront 2.1. Klik hier om te…

Allow users to add (or not) a store in the Citrix Receiver

When installing the Citrix Receiver you can give the following setup switch: ALLOWADDSTORE=A|N|S A = Always, allow adding and removing stores; N = Never, allow adding and removing stores; S = Secure (https) stores allowed. When the client is already deployed the following registry key can be changed to change this…

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