Posts created 133

Allow users to add (or not) a store in the Citrix Receiver

When installing the Citrix Receiver you can give the following setup switch: ALLOWADDSTORE=A|N|S A = Always, allow adding and removing stores; N = Never, allow adding and removing stores; S = Secure (https) stores allowed. When the client is already deployed the following registry key can be changed to change this…

Shrink/Compact vDisk VHD file

When creating a new vDisk, there is a question if you want the file to be dynamic or fixed. When choosing dynamic, the size of the VHD file would grow when demanding more space. Until the size has reached the size of the disk. In my environment I have a…

Home Button Delay iOS Devices

Did you ever noticed a delay when pressing you home button on a iOS device? (iPhone/iPod/iPad). With the delay, I’m referring to that it takes a little time to close the running application. Your iOS device is designed to run smoothly en really snappy. But closing an application can sometimes…

Citrix Web Interface 5.4.2 Nederlandse Vertaling

Ik zat lang te denken of ik de 5.4.0 post update of dat ik een nieuwe maak voor de 5.4.2. Terwijl het eigenlijk alleen het aanpassen van de scripts is. Maar ik heb toch gekozen voor een compleet nieuwe post en download. In de vertaling zijn niet de error/foutmeldingen meegenomen.…

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