Posts created 109

Citrix Web Interface 5.4.2 Nederlandse Vertaling

Ik zat lang te denken of ik de 5.4.0 post update of dat ik een nieuwe maak voor de 5.4.2. Terwijl het eigenlijk alleen het aanpassen van de scripts is. Maar ik heb toch gekozen voor een compleet nieuwe post en download. In de vertaling zijn niet de error/foutmeldingen meegenomen.…

Help me with this one please ;)

Oke here’s my problem. When I’m writing installation documents I’m always adding screenshots. This screenshots are taken by Screenhunter or Snagit and then pasted into my word document. In the word document I have a table and the screenshot is pasted in the table. Like this example. Now when inserting…

RES Workspace Management Event Log

When a user start a RES Workspace Manager session. Every action is logged into the Event Log. Administrators can use this log for fine tuning the environment. What I always do is filtering out which steps take a lot of time, and dig into that step to make the login…

Customizing the Cloud Gateway Logon Screen

Update: Post, superseded by: After my successful blogpost about the Web Interface (Link), it’s time for a new one for the CloudGateway. Although it’s a technical review and not released yet, I wanted to be earlier then Andrew Morgan This is the original Logon Page for the new Citrix Cloud…

Citrix XenApp 6.5, Windows 7 Look and Feel Scripts.

XenApp 6.5 by default install the desktop experience. Users now can enable an Windows 7 theme. There are 5 powershell scripts installed which can be used to make life easier The scripts are located here: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\App Delivery Setup Tools″ Install-CtxDesktopExperience.ps1 Adds Desktop Experience & XPS Viewer Moves Citrix…

Web Interface slow startup (first time)

Yeah I know, there are a lot of post about this and yes there are all the same. So mine will be the same as every other out there   When the Web Interface server is rebooted or an iisrest is given the first user who access the Web Interface…

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