Enroll Windows 10 into XenMobile with a simpel URL

When Windows 10 COPE (Company Owned Personaly Enabled) devices are used across the company and you want to “simply” manage them with XenMobile you must enroll them into XenMobile offcourse. You can do this in a simple way. For example: Users are given a Microsoft Surface Pro tablet which they can…

Is it possible to install Mac OSX in VMWare vSphere 5?

A couple of days ago, the PepperCrew had his monthly meeting. There was a little discussion about the new vSphere 5 release from VMWare. In the release notes there is mentioned that it will support OSX installations. I’m not convinced that that would work. There is a big community in…

Keyboard Shortcuts

I’m positive that working with the keyboard is way faster then working in combination with the mouse. But you must know the shortcuts-keystrokes-etc etc So here is the list I’m using. The list is updated on a regular basis. Copy, Paste, Cut, Delete CTRL+C = Copy CTRL+V = Paste CTRL+X…

TrueCrypt and reinstalling Windows

I’m using TrueCrypt for a while now, and like any other nerd I’m reinstalling my pc on a regular basis. And there comes the problem. Because TrueCrypt has encrypted the whole disk, I have to enter the password when the computer boots from HDD. When booting from DVD de HDD…

Nasty UAC with Explorer in Windows Server 2008 R2

When installing a new server/workstation with Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7. I’m having a strange problem. For instance, my D partition on my laptop (which runs Windows 7) has default the built in USERS group with right to read the partition. Oké lets remove those rights. Now the partition…

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